– Gli ordini sono ordini (Orders Are Orders), a 1972 Italian film directed by Franco Giraldi, is a captivating and enigmatic exploration of the human psyche, societal norms, and the liberating power of defiance. Based on the short story of the same name by Alberto Moravia, the film follows the life of Giorgia, a seemingly ordinary housewife trapped in a mundane existence, as she begins to hear a mysterious voice commanding her to perform increasingly bizarre and transgressive acts.   

A Voice Unheard: The Mysterious Commander

At the heart of the film lies the enigmatic voice, an unseen force that guides Giorgia’s actions. This voice, a manifestation of her subconscious desires or perhaps a metaphor for societal expectations, urges her to break free from the constraints of her conventional life. As Giorgia becomes increasingly obedient to the voice, she engages in a series of audacious acts that challenge the norms of her conservative society.   

A Study of Female Liberation and Societal Constraints

Gli ordini sono ordini is a profound exploration of female liberation and the societal pressures that confine women to traditional roles. Giorgia’s initial obedience to the voice can be interpreted as a desperate attempt to escape the monotony of her domestic life. As she embraces the voice’s commands, she gradually sheds her inhibitions and embraces her individuality. The film delves into the complexities of female desire, exploring the tension between societal expectations and personal aspirations.

A Surrealist Journey Through the Absurd

Giraldi’s film employs a surrealist approach, blending elements of dark comedy, psychological thriller, and social satire. The director masterfully creates a dreamlike atmosphere, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. The film’s absurd situations and unexpected twists and turns contribute to its enigmatic and thought-provoking nature.

Monica Vitti’s Captivating Performance

Monica Vitti, one of Italy’s most iconic actresses, delivers a mesmerizing performance as Giorgia. Her portrayal of a woman caught between conformity and rebellion is both poignant and captivating. Vitti’s ability to convey a wide range of emotions, from vulnerability to defiance, elevates the film to new heights.

A Timeless Exploration of Human Psychology

Gli ordini sono ordini is a timeless exploration of the human psyche, societal norms, and the liberating power of defiance. Its surrealist approach, coupled with its thought-provoking themes, has ensured its enduring appeal. The film’s exploration of female liberation, the nature of authority, and the consequences of blindly following orders continues to resonate with audiences today.

In conclusion, Gli ordini sono ordini is a captivating and enigmatic film that offers a unique perspective on the human condition. Its surrealist approach, combined with its powerful performances and thought-provoking themes, makes it a must-watch for cinephiles and those seeking a deeper understanding of the human psyche.